Reclink Australia welcomes Howden Insurance Brokers

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1 year ago

Reclink Australia is delighted to announce Howden Insurance Brokers (Australia) as a new major partner.

As part of the initial three-year sponsorship, Howden will be recognised as a National Sponsor of Reclink Australia’s flagship community fundraising event, the Reclink Community Cup, at Victoria Park in Melbourne. Howden will also be a key National Partner in supporting the Community Cup series across other states.

The partnership with Howden has been crucial to the launch and ongoing management of Club Reclink, a first-of-its-kind platform in Australia which will manages over 20,000 participants to engage in a national suite of sport and active recreation programs.

Reclink Australia Chief Executive Officer Dave Wells welcomed Howden as Reclink’s first Major Partner.

“We are very excited to be partnering with Howden Insurance Brokers – this new major partnership will support Reclink Australia to grow and innovate to the benefit of our thousands of participants and we look forward to sharing these achievements with Howden staff and our stakeholders, every step of the way.”

Howden Pacific Chief Executive Officer Matt Bacon said the company was proud to start a new partnership with Reclink Australia.

“Reclink plays such a unique role in the community development and health services sectors. We as Howden are proud to be backing the only national charity leveraging the infrastructure and people resources across hundreds of grassroots clubs and sporting bodies to implement different sport and recreation activities that impact Australia positively.”

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